Stickers make us smile, cause us to laugh, and sometimes even convince us to support a cause. Today’s versions aren’t your grandma’s stickers with generic smiley faces or overused slogans. With the technology available to customize your own stickers, they can be works of art, valuable marketing material, and well-said statements that pack and emotional punch.

Whatever your reason for wanting a sticker is, there’s bound to be a mood behind it. A baby shower is a precious occasion, a wedding is cause for celebration, and a memorial is a time to reflect.

Then there’s the business aspect behind stickers. What does your product or service represent? Is it a device that solves a problem and makes life in the kitchen easier or a service that customers can depend on? Whatever emotion and feeling you want your audience to feel, you can achieve with something as simple as a sticker.

History of the Sticker

Stickers were invented in the 1880s when merchants began sticking them on merchandise to draw attention to their goods in hopes of getting more sales. The stickers were a bit on the rough side – handwritten on paper and stuck on with a gummy paste-like substance. But it got the message across, and sales began to boom. So did the concept of stickers.

Through the years, stickers became more personal. Not only did businesses use them for marketing, but everyday people were also wild about them. They posted notes and messages on paper as reminders to family and friends of their love, used them to keep track of important dates, and tacked them on homemade goods they sold at fairs.

When stickers began to be printed, many were politically oriented. Individuals boasted their favorite candidate by way of stickers they placed on their vehicles or even plastered on their clothing or briefcases. Businesses also made good use of printing press stickers. But the average person was at a loss. They couldn’t afford the hefty price of having a volume of stickers made up for simple reasons such as to celebrate a birthday or to bring cheer to a loved one who was ill.

As the sticker’s destiny began to unfold, ways were discovered to make them more personal and more affordable. With sticky messages at their fingertips, people enjoyed being able to evoke an emotion, represent a cause, or instigate an action by simply creating a sticker.

The Emotions Behind Customized Stickers

There are many reasons stickers are made. Celebrations, uniting for a cause, marketing, and more are some of the most common situations stickers are created for. When creating a sticker, you’ll want to think about why you want to create it and what you wish to accomplish with it. Then, you’ll want to design it to achieve that goal.

There are proven ways to go about designing a sticker that brings about an emotional experience. The color palette, the font, the graphics, and the wording all work together to create an experience and mood. The more you know and understand about the psychology behind the tools you have available, the better you’ll be at utilizing them for the perfect sticker creation.

Businesses use neuro-sales in their marketing material, such as stickers to manipulate buyers to experience emotions and act upon them. The color green is known to bring about feelings of being at one with nature. Blue is often used to translate the message that something is clean and fresh. Vivid colors uplift and excite while pastels are known to calm.

Even if you aren’t marketing a product with your sticker, you are wanting to bring about an experience. Wedding stickers are sentimental. By reiterating the color and theme of the wedding, you are reinforcing the mood of the wedding such as elegant, romantic, or casual. The wording is key too. “Today I marry my best friend” might even bring a tear. When used for a charity, a sticker might ask for support or thank those who did support and use totally different colors, fonts, and graphics than would be used at a wedding.

Sticker Power

Stickers are amazing. They can be fun, funny, direct, sarcastic, sentimental, sad, informative, or even mean. One thing they all have in common is that stickers are powerful. By creating a sticker, you are creating an emotional experience – the one of your choosing to serve your purpose.

It’s important to give your sticker creation some thought. Consultation is often available so you can get your message through, loud and clear. Power is a terrible thing to waste so be sure to use all the resources you have at your fingertips when bringing your vision to life.

Rush Sticker Printing

If your sticker brainstorm happened to rear its head the day before your important event or you just got busy and forgot about getting it done, don’t worry.

Modern day next-level print shops not only have the capability to offer customized stickers, but they can also deliver them in a flash. We live in a busy world but it’s certainly not a perfect one. Things come up and that great idea you had for a sticker gets pushed by the wayside until the event you wanted it for it just days (or hours) away.

Fortunately, cutting-edge printing technology makes it possible to carry though with that great custom sticker idea, even when we’ve waited to the last minute. You no longer have to wish you had ordered, you can rush order stickers and bring your vision to life.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area and are in need of rush sticker printing, look no further. We’ve got you covered. Whether you’ve got a saying stuck in your head or forgot to order stickers for the favors at your wedding tomorrow, you can count on Printing Fly to get the job done even better than you imagined.