Flyers are one of the most overlooked effective mediums for business marketing and especially in a city as large and competitive as Los Angeles, you can always use an added edge. Announcing events, explaining your business, and even providing information or instructions to products are among the many ways a business benefits from the use of flyers. Even if you are just a day away from an event and don’t feel like you are acing it, you have the option to have next day flyers in Los Angeles printed up if you’re in the LA area.

Knowing the best ways to format and present your flyers is the key to making them work for you. A sloppy, poorly laid out flyer says a lot about your business and it’s not good. Be sure you include these five elements, so your business flyer is well-designed.

1. Grab your reader’s attention. According to statistics, you have about three seconds to grab your reader’s attention, or they are off doing something besides reading what you spent time designing and writing. There are multiple ways to get their attention. It never hurts to use all of the techniques.

Headlines are important. Make sure you hook your reader with a headline that makes them want to find out more. Catchy words, alliteration, stating astounding facts and statistics, and asking a question are all examples of headlines that stand out and make your reader want to know more.

Your first sentence should be profound too. Be sure to follow up by providing all the information that’s needed to fill your reader in on the subject. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. If your headline tells your reader you have big news, you’d better have some or you’ll turn them off and will loose trust.

2. Focus on the visuals. The font you use, and the color palette can also help draw their focus to your story. You will also want to have photos or graphics that command the initial impression your reader gets from your flyer.

Colors play a big role in psychology. They are also huge when it comes to marketing. Choose your colors wisely to project the mood you are wishing to convey with your flyer. Also, be sure to be consistent with your brand’s identity colors.

You will want to establish a visual hierarchy as you create your flyer. Lay out each element of your flyer so that the audience can tell what the most important factor is and how the pecking order goes. This relieves the brain of having to overwork in order to sift information and in neurosales, that’s one of the most imperative rules. Line things up for your reader. Don’t make them have to figure things out themselves because they may not go to the trouble to do it.

Eyes tend to gravitate towards the most prominent design element on the page. Large bold type, a bright graphic, or a photo that makes a statement are ways to be sure your front and center story or point gets the attention it deserves.

3. It’s all about balance. It’s tempting to fill the flyer pages with everything when you are so excited or passionate about the material within it. Don’t though. You’ll confuse your reader if you have too many graphics, images, colors, and font sizes going on. It’s best to have a balance flyer that will actually get looked at and read because it’s aesthetically pleasing which tell the reader’s brain it is safe and good to read.

In order to maintain good balance, make good use of white space. Your copy will be less overwhelming and more viewer friendly. Surround the most important elements with plenty of white space and you’ll direct your reader’s attention to what matters, the area inside the blank spots.

Make sure to balance every single element in your flyer. Large text can be balanced out with smaller test. Large photos and graphics mix with smaller ones. You’ll catch on to the flow once you get going.

Remember to keep things simple. The more minimalistic your flyer is, the better chance there is that your reader will actually read it and understand it as well.

4. Content matters. The copy in your flyer should follow certain rules. It should be well-written and should not contain grammatic errors. The message should be clear and concise – no fluff to fill the pages.

Focus on one key point. That way, your reader doesn’t get side-tracked reading about things that don’t really matter or that play a lesser role than your main subject.

Put in a call-to-action. That might mean calling to set up and appointment or coming in to purchase a product. It may even entail coming to your event. Whatever it is, end the flyer with a call-to-action that is to the point.

5. Maximize your flyer design. To achieve this feat, you’ll need to learn a little about what’s available to you. What type of material would your flyer look best in? You’ll have options such as glossy or satin and what type of paper, including the thickness and quality. You will need to decide the dimensions of your flyer, the orientation of it, and if it will be on a full or half sheet.

When in doubt about anything pertaining to your flyer, full-service print shops have knowledgeable team members to assist you. You might also consider using a template. Templates are easy to use and typically, no one will be the wiser. They will just think you did a superb job on the work all by yourself.


Next Day Flyer Printing

If you are needing your flyers by tomorrow, you can order next day flyers in Los Angeles if you’re in the LA area. Even if your event isn’t tomorrow, you may want to get your flyers back as soon as possible, just to check them out.

For full-service next day flyer printing, be sure to check out Printing Fly.